About Us

My Story in a Nutshell

I grew up in the Berkshires in Massachusetts before moving to Boston for college. Boston became my home base for the next decade while I traveled extensively for global health work in places such as Haiti and Rwanda. After climbing the ‘corporate/nonprofit ladder’ and achieving professional success, I was ready for a change. I left a job I loved and took a leap of faith to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

During this journey, I realized I wanted to use my skills to impact purpose-driven populations while living a life aligned with my values, seeking a better work/life balance, spending more time with family, and traveling on my own terms. This led me to leave my job, embark on a cross-country road trip, and move out of the city into the woods back to my ‘first love’ of the Berkshires.
With my personal experience of making a major career and lifestyle pivot, combined with my decade-plus background in mental health and management, I founded Life’s Your Adventure Coaching and Consulting. Today, I help others find their true purpose and design lives they don’t need a vacation from!
My work goes beyond helping with careers or organizational programs. It’s about inspiring change-makers to find their true purpose, live authentically in alignment with their values, and support people to work in a way that enhances their life. Whether through individual coaching or organizational consulting, I’m here to support your journey every step of the way.
The way we work is changing, especially after COVID. We now have a chance to break free from the traditional 9-5. Your worth is not about how productive you are conventional measures of external measures of success.

The new question is…what matters to you?

I’ve done it myself—redefining how I balance work and life, my priorities, traveling when I want, diving into passion projects, and crafting my dream lifestyle. Now, I’m inviting you to do the same. Whether your dream is to become a parent, explore the globe, or simply enjoy a balanced life in your own backyard, I’m here to help you make it happen.
Why Choose Me?

My coaching and consulting approach integrates my diverse experiences and expertise:

Let’s Get To Know Each Other

01 Background

I hold degrees in Public Health and Psychology from Boston University and have always pursued careers that align with my passions. My professional journey has taken me through mental health care, public health, and community-based programs, allowing me to make a meaningful impact.

02 Values

I prioritize authenticity, adventure, purpose-driven living, community, and personal growth. These core values guide not only my professional endeavors but also my everyday life.

03Country Faves

I am an avid traveler, and some of my favorite destinations have been Morocco, Turkey, Peru, and Indonesia. Each of these countries has offered unique experiences, local connections, and unforgettable memories.

04 Personal Development

My interests are deeply rooted in psychology, spirituality, healing, and personal transformation. Don’t be surprised to find me asking your Myers-Briggs type over ramen (I’m an ENFJ) and Enneagram Type 3.

05 Passions

I have a profound love for outdoor adventures. Hiking, kayaking, and camping are some of my favorite activities that keep me connected to nature.


I am an avid traveler, and some of my favorite destinations have been Morocco, Turkey, Peru, and Indonesia. Each of these countries has offered unique experiences, local connections, and unforgettable memories.

How I Help

I’m a career and life design coach for purpose-driven individuals and an organizational consultant dedicated to facilitating personal and professional transformation.


I help purpose-driven professionals in development, public health, mental health, and education related fields. Whether you’re figuring out your next career move, pivoting to a new role, finding and landing aligned positions, or starting your own impact-driven business, I am here to guide you every step of the way. My mission is to empower you to trust yourself, take actionable steps, and craft your dream career or lifestyle while making a meaningful impact. Think of me as your accountability partner and unwavering support system. Regardless of where you are on your journey, I’m here to help you build and live your most authentic, beautiful, and adventurous life, supporting you through the inevitable growth and transformation.

Here’s How I Can Help:

Featured In


Check out this podcast episode with my former business coach for all things entrepreneurship, my story pivoting from nonprofits to starting my own biz, mindset, overcoming challenges, slomading, & more!

Journals & Articles

I’ve been featured alongside world-renowned experts in peer-reviewed journal articles and academic papers on global mental health and humanitarian work and spoken at national conferences (see CV).

35 Under 35

In 2019 I was honored to have be featured in the Kappa Alpha Theta 35 Under 35 Award nationally

Community Service

Social justice work and community volunteering is deeply close to my heart. I’ve fundraised thousands of dollars for social impact organizations through running the New York City and Boston Marathons and walkathons helping:

  • Brookline Center for Community Mental Health
  • International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  • American Cancer Society

Coaching Scholarship for the Global South and Early Career Change-Makers
At Life’s Your Adventure, I am dedicated to ensuring career and life design coaching is accessible to everyone regardless of their geographic location. Aligned with our values of equity and social justice, I’m thrilled to offer a scholarship program particularly for purpose-driven changemakers in the global south or early in their career. This provides an opportunity to participate in a mini Career Clarity Intensive at a significantly discounted rate. I offer flexible payment plans as well! I am so committed to helping more people have meaningful careers that makes a positive impact on the world, so please, if you feel this applies to you, I invite you to email me at sarah@lifesyouradventure or message me on instagram at sarahfcsinger and let’s work together!