Helping purpose-driven souls and organizations navigate change to deepen their impact the world.
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Copyright © 2024 SarahSinger
I grew up in the Berkshires in Massachusetts before moving to Boston for college. Boston became my home base for the next decade while I traveled extensively for global health work in places such as Haiti and Rwanda. After climbing the ‘corporate/nonprofit ladder’ and achieving professional success, I was ready for a change. I left a job I loved and took a leap of faith to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
I hold degrees in Public Health and Psychology from Boston University and have always pursued careers that align with my passions. My professional journey has taken me through mental health care, public health, and community-based programs, allowing me to make a meaningful impact.
I prioritize authenticity, adventure, purpose-driven living, community, and personal growth. These core values guide not only my professional endeavors but also my everyday life.
I am an avid traveler, and some of my favorite destinations have been Morocco, Turkey, Peru, and Indonesia. Each of these countries has offered unique experiences, local connections, and unforgettable memories.
My interests are deeply rooted in psychology, spirituality, healing, and personal transformation. Don’t be surprised to find me asking your Myers-Briggs type over ramen (I’m an ENFJ) and Enneagram Type 3.
I have a profound love for outdoor adventures. Hiking, kayaking, and camping are some of my favorite activities that keep me connected to nature.
I am an avid traveler, and some of my favorite destinations have been Morocco, Turkey, Peru, and Indonesia. Each of these countries has offered unique experiences, local connections, and unforgettable memories.
Here’s How I Can Help:
Check out this podcast episode with my former business coach for all things entrepreneurship, my story pivoting from nonprofits to starting my own biz, mindset, overcoming challenges, slomading, & more!
I’ve been featured alongside world-renowned experts in peer-reviewed journal articles and academic papers on global mental health and humanitarian work and spoken at national conferences (see CV).
In 2019 I was honored to have be featured in the Kappa Alpha Theta 35 Under 35 Award nationally
Social justice work and community volunteering is deeply close to my heart. I’ve fundraised thousands of dollars for social impact organizations through running the New York City and Boston Marathons and walkathons helping:
Helping purpose-driven souls and organizations navigate change to deepen their impact the world.
Copyright © 2024 SarahSinger